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Tuesday, 22 January 2019

4 Tips to Improve Your Home Improvement Blog

home improvement blog

4 Tips to Improve Your Home Improvement Blog

Creating a blog for your website is a great way to generate some traffic to your website while strengthening your overall content strategy for your home improvement site.
However, you’ll want to make sure that you’re making the most of your website by creating strong, engaging blog posts on a regular basis.
Unfortunately, this is often easier said than done. But with a few quick tips, you can soon write blog posts for your home improvement blog like a pro.
Here are four tips to help you improve your home improvement blog.

1) Use Images

Ultimately, the web is a primarily visual medium. Even blog posts need to make extensive use of high-quality images. After all, nobody wants to read a massive wall of text.
You can break up the monotony by including original images. Not only will this keep your audience’s attention, but it’ll boost your SEO as well.
However, make sure that you’re optimizing your images. Gorgeous, HD pictures are nice, but they also take a while to load, slowing down your website.
Most people won’t have the patience to sit and wait for each image to load, so ensure that you’ve optimized properly before posting.

2) Include Specific Links

Most novice bloggers feel as if linking is deceptively easy. On the contrary, choosing certain anchor text can make or break your post.
In fact, including links in an organic fashion is something that even professional content writers struggle with.
Try and include specific links. For instance, ‘gazebo’ and a link is fine, but it’s not maximizing your home improvement blog’s potential.
Instead, make your anchor text as specific as possible. So instead, you could write ‘Adventure Kings Gazebos 3m x 3m‘.
Not only will this strengthen your authority, but doing so can help you get into affiliate marketing.

3) Write For Your Audience

When you’re in the zone with your writing, it can be hard to remind yourself that not everyone knows as much about home improvement as you do.
Remember, even if your home improvement blog is primarily for professionals or those with experience, you’ll likely get your share of newcomers, too.
That doesn’t mean that you need to dumb content down, just remember to explain things in detail and provide context.

4) Write In Your Voice

Finally, make sure that your writing actually sounds like you. This is another thing that beginner bloggers tend to struggle with.
They want their home improvement blog to seem professional, so they intentionally bog down content with words and phrases they’d never use.
That doesn’t benefit anyone, so it’s best to stick to writing in your own voice.
Take a conversational tone and approach your blog like you’re talking to a good friend. Your content will become instantly more readable, and you’re more likely to establish a rapport with your audience.

Final Thoughts On Improving Your Home Improvement Blog

Standing out in the world of home improvement blogging isn’t always that easy. Remember, your blog lives and dies by your content.
Optimize your images, add helpful links, write for your specific audience, and don’t forget to make it all readable.
For more great content on marketing and blogging, be sure to check out our writing section, which is constantly updated with the latest and greatest tips to help improve your blog.

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