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Sunday, 11 November 2018

You Think Identity Theft Couldn't Happen To You? Well Think Again!

Expert Author Patricia A Gaines
It's been over fifteen years since my Identity Theft happened. I haven't written about it lately because I assumed everyone understood the Phantoms steal identity. My ID Theft website has helpful information regarding what to do if you are victimized, along with a link to buy ID Protection. Last night I posted a few ads with my website link on Facebook.
A few minutes after I posted the ad I received a dozens of positive comments. But then I read this from a few people; "it sounds like a scam to me." How on earth could anyone in their right mind not understand the need to protect themselves and their families.
Equifax,Target, Facebook, Yahoo, and countless other companies have been hit by The Phantoms. Yet there are people who still believe Identity Theft is not reality. But then with what I have seen in the news media about our border wall, and other social issues, why would I be surprised about this mindset?
Identity Theft exists, and the Phantoms do lurk in the shadows of our lives twenty-four hours a day every day. They do not take time off. They steal the information about our children, our deceased loved ones, and yes they steal your identity if they want to.
The Phantoms steal financial information such as bank accounts, investments, life insurance policies, medical records and more stripping us naked and leaving us emotionally dead from the trauma; and immediately sell "us" to the underground shadows that make it their own and live life with our name.
We are left to survive in society facing the consequences of our loss. These consequences create havoc and chaos in our lives and the lives of our family members for years to come. We never get "over it' we just get "through it" and survive one day at a time until we can have a somewhat normal lifestyle again.
People who laugh at Identity Theft and feel that any mention of it is a scam are living a life of misinformation that could lead to misfortune. They honestly think it could never happen to them because they don't believe it. No one is immune from the Phantoms; they lurk in all facets of our circle of influence every moment of every day.
Beware, and wake-up to the absolute fact. The Phantoms of Identity Theft are among us. We just can't see them, but they are watching, waiting for the moment of their vicious attack.
No one can prevent all Identity Theft, but I urge you to take action to protect you self and your loved ones.
We are living is an interesting time in history; chaotic social issues along with a booming economy and busy schedules gives us little time to learn that there are predators lurking in the shadows of our lives, looking for easy targets to prey upon. For the most part, these predators and thieves walk away with their victims money and medical information and are seldom caught. Get informed. Become aware to ensure that you understand Identity Theft and get the protection you need. For help

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